Intergrating Chinese Natural Language Segmentation and Parsing Using a Massively Parallel Network Model 用大规模并行网络模型同时解决中文分词和语法分析
The ambiguity in syntactic structure is a hard stone in natural language parsing. 句法结构歧义是句法分析过程中最主要也是最难解决的问题之一。
Syntactic analysis is an important part in natural language processing ( NLP). This paper mainly discusses the syntactic analysis methods used in NLP, such as context-free grammars, transformational grammar, parsing, transition network, augmented transition network etc. 语法分析是自然语言处理中的关键环节,本文就自然语言处理中应用到的上下文无关语法、转换语法、剖析、转换网络和扩充转换网络等语法分析方法进行了论述。
The Overview of Statistic Natural Language Parsing Technology 基于统计的句法分析技术综述
An Algorithm Without Backtracking for Natural Language Parsing 一种无回溯的自然语言分析算法
Because the technology of natural language processing and statistical learning is becoming more and more solid, it is possible to realize shallow semantic parsing. 由于现有自然语言处理技术以及统计学习技术的成熟,使浅层语义分析得以实现。
In recent years, SVM was applied to many Natural Language Processing tasks, like Text classification, shallow parsing and Chinese proper nouns recognition, and satisfying results were reported. 目前,支持向量机已经应用于自然语言处理的许多领域,如文本分类,浅层句法分析,专名识别等,都取得了不错的效果。
Currently, the bottle-neck of natural language processing technologies is the automatic semantic parsing, especially the parsing of sentential meaning. 目前自然语言处理技术的瓶颈是语义的自动分析,尤其是句义分析。
Complete syntactic parsing is a key but difficult point of natural language processing, so a kind of shallow parsing has been proposed to simplify the complete parsing. 完全句法分析是自然语言处理的一个重点和难点,于是人们提出一种浅层句法分析来降低完全句法分析的难度。
The classification and POS tagging are important basic research subjects in Natural Language Processing, and also bases of future research, such as: shallow parsing, text classification, machine translation. 词类划分与词性标注都是自然语言处理中重要的基础性研究课题,也是后续研究如浅层句法分析、文本分类、机器翻译等的基础。
Chinese base phrase identification and analysis are one of the important tasks of natural language shallow parsing. 汉语基本短语的识别和分析是自然语言浅层句法分析的重要任务之一。
Named entity recognition and shallow parsing are two basic tasks of Chinese shallow analysis, which are the basis of many natural language processing tasks, such as syntactic parsing, information extraction, machine translation and so forth. 命名实体识别和浅层句法分析是中文浅层分析的两个基本问题,它们是许多自然语言处理任务的基本要求,如句法分析、信息抽取和机器翻译等。
Learning to rank is a hot research topic in the field of information retrieval and machine learning, and has found its applications in many problems such as document retrieval, collaborative filtering, natural language parsing. 排序学习是当前信息检索与机器学习领域研究的热点问题之一,它在诸如文档检索、协同过滤、自然语言解析等领域有广泛的应用。